Friday, May 29, 2015

Goblin 380 Update, 7/15/15

Well I have it!  I opened up the box and compared the boom, canopy, and blades to my Trex 450 :). It's just a few inches longer, but I'm sure it will look bigger in the air. 

I only bought the kit at first, but I just picked up the cyclic and tail servos from Lower Heli in Oregon. I also picked up a bigger motor pulley for the headspeed I'm planning to run and a set of carbon landing gear, since I'm not a fan of the speed style landing gear included with the kit. 

The cyclic servos I got are the BK DS 3001 HV model. These have an aluminum case, metal gears, core less motor. The tail servo is also a BK, model DS 5005 HV, with the same features the cyclic servos. 

Next up will most likely be the ESC, a Castle Creations Phoenix Edge Lite 100A.  Then a Scorpion 1000kv motor and Pulse 6S 2600mah 45C batteries. To finish it off a V Bar Neo flight controller. 

Update 7/15/15
I now have all the parts I need except the Vbar Neo, which is still out of stock. I also picked up a Castle Quick Connect and quick connect battery tray system from SAB. I still need to pick up a swash leveler once I start building the kit. 

Sunday, May 3, 2015

1st session of 2015!

I finally headed out to the field to get some flying in. I went in the morning when it's usually busy in hopes of seeing some other heli flyers like myself. Instead, only some guys flying FPV quads were there :(. They hogged the flight box by sitting down to fly and took off from a small pad to the side of the pits. This made it hard to tell when I could fly as nobody was standing out at the main heli pad.

Once these guys left around 11:30am, I was able to get back to back flights in on my 550, which was fun, but it was lonely as I was the only person at the heli pad. 

I found my old beach umbrella that I used when racing rc cars.  It worked well enough to keep some shade on myself and my equipment. The main advantage was how fast it is to setup and put away vs my quick shade canopy. 

I used my icharger to charge my packs at 2C and put a storage charge on them before I went home. My marine battery provided plenty of power and I didn't even hit its minimum voltage :)

Friday, May 1, 2015

Goblin 380 on the way!

I picked up a Goblin 380 this week!  AMain put up a 10% off coupon for 48 hours so I ordered just the kit for now. I'll probably pick up the tail servo once I have time to start the build after I finish my T5m.