Thursday, November 12, 2015

250 repair under way!

I finally got around to taking apart my Trex 250 for repair. So far I've found a bent main shaft, broken spindle bolt, broken blade tip, and broken ball cup. Not too bad considering. Time to order some parts!

Goblin 380 ready!

I finished the 380 head and tail setup Monday night, 11/9/15!  I'm getting faster at using my Soko Gauge and app also :)

I plan to do some test flights Sunday afternoon at Hoyt park. 

Monday, November 2, 2015

Goblin 380 repair completed!

I managed to finish the repair of my Goblin 380, which I crashed about about 3 months ago.  Next up is completing the head and tail setup and I'll be ready to starting tuning the Vbar Neo all over again.  Lol!