Monday, May 23, 2016

Getting the hang of it!

I had a great flying session at SEFSD on Saturday afternoon 5/21/16, while the TNS race was going on at SDRC. 

I also got to try out my new wind speed gauge!  Turns out the wind speed was about 8 mph on average with gusts up to 10 mph. Lol!

This was the 1st session with my 48" P51 Mustang where I was able to fly around, retract the landing gear, and was able to land without tipping over onto the prop (mostly). It was great!

I was also able to fly my UMX Habu, taking off and landing from the runway :)

Thursday, May 12, 2016

SEFSD Sunday afternoon session, 5/8/16

I broke my prop!

My prop finally had enough of my tip over landings and broke on my 2nd landing attempt of my 1st battery. Oh well. 

The stock Eflite prop was out of stock everywhere, but I was able to find a cheaper aftermarket prop from a new online hobby shop I found :). I ordered 4 of them and got them in only 3 days!  Winning!

Birthday flying

I took my Birthday off from work for the 1st time ever and headed out to the field to fly my new 48" P51, despite the threat of rain. Unfortunately it was a bit windy, but I tried to fly anyway. 

My session was going ok, but the wind caused the plane to pitch up, then stall, as I was trying to land and it came down hard!

Crinkled nose. 

Dented wingtip. 

Waiting to fly. 

Club members getting the pad ready for the drone race on Saturday. 

Monday, May 2, 2016

1.2m P51 Mustang Maiden!

I maidened my new and 1st big plane Sunday 5/1/16!  At 1st I tried using the flaps, but with the wind, the plane floated too much which made it hard to land! Lol!

I basically practiced my landing approach  and landings. I didn't fly around much other than getting in position to land. By my 5th landing I was starting to get the hang of it!  But I was landing really far down the runway!

I can't wait to try flying it again :)

Ready to fly!
