For the maiden flight I just hovered around making sure all the controls responded correctly and that self-leveling was active. All went as planned!
For the next flight I would transition to airplane mode for the 1st time. I've heard that if the motor nacelles are not parallel, the plane will turn during the transition. But, I checked the alignment on my plane several times, and all looked good! I forgot to center the sticks during the automatic transition though, and still had the elevator forward from flying as a multi-rotor. When the transition completed the plane dove for the ground! Luckily I was up high enough to save it from crashing into the ground on the 2nd flight!
The last 2 flights went smoothly, now that I centered the right stick before transitioning to airplane mode. I only flew around in self-level mode, and the Osprey flew great! I was flying around pretty fast, for this size of plane anyway. I was having a great time!
Side view of the decals I've applied so far.
Three-quarter view.
Now that I've gotten the maiden flight session out of the way and confirmed the plane is working correctly, I went ahead and removed the stock JST connector and replaced it with a Mini-T style connector, which is what I have on my 3S 800mah size batteries.
Replacing the stock JST connector with a Mini-T style connector.