Friday, April 23, 2021

VIper 70mm EDF Jet Is Here!

My 1st large EDF has arrived!  Just in time also, since I just crashed my P51 :( 

I bought the PNP version and added the new SAFE 6 channel telemetry receiver and added a current sensor!  This way I can land when my battery runs out instead of on a timer.  But, this thing is a rats nest of wires! :(  I'm working out how to mount the current sensor route the battery cables.  Also the battery hits the canopy and needs to be trimmed.  I will also probably need to add weight to the tail to get the CG right.

Mock up assembly completed!

Monday, April 12, 2021

Mid-Air Collision! P-51 Mustang down!

 I had a mid-air collision with my P-51 Mustang after waiting almost 2 hours to fly :(  I just took off and was making a right turn to pass down the runway when my wing clipped a smaller white plane I didn't see against the gray clouds.  The other plane's prop cut a gash in my wing and took out a chunk of foam on the outer leading edge of the wing.  I lost control and was unable to turn and my plane went into the ground, breaking the prop and forward part of the fuselage :(

Damage from the mid-air collision and ground impact.

My friend picked up the F16 70mm EDF!  My P51 being assembled prior to the mid-air collision.

I think I can glue my P51 back together and get it flying again, as the damage is only to the foam.  All the electronics seem ok.  I could also rebuild it with a new fuselage and wing, and add a new telemetry receiver and current sensor.  Or I can just scrap it and pull the electronics for spare parts and get a new war plane capable of flying on 4S batteries.  I'll probably try and repair it and see if it's still flyable at first.

Monday, April 5, 2021

Eflite Viper 70mm EDF Jet On the Way!

 Finally picked up the Eflite Viper 70mm EDF jet I've been looking at since it came out in late 2019.  I bought the PNP version and added the new 6 channel SAFE telemetry receiver which came at the end of 2020.  This way I have SAFE and battery current telemetry and fly based on battery capacity instead of a timer, like I do with my big helicopters.