Monday, March 28, 2016

Gone bananas!

So. Every place I buy RC stuff from had a sale over Easter weekend. 10% off your entire order!

First I got a micro electric ducted fan jet!  I've been having a blast flying these micro planes lately, and this is the 3rd one I've bought this month!  I like how relatively easy they are to fly and usually don't sustain much damage when you crash. :)

Next up was a small order for some batteries for the edf plane and some parts to fix my 250 yet again. 

Then a coupon showed up which I could use for a training heli I had my eye on. This bird includes self leveling and a rescue button!  It's also a 230 size model with plastic parts which should be cheap to replace when I crash. 

I thought that would be all, but then the site selling the new radio I've been wanting for the past 6 months emailed me yet another coupon!  I grabbed this radio also!  It includes telemetry and voice alerts, but the best feature is being able to change settings on my flight controller right from the radio!  Awesome!

Man. This was an expensive weekend!  Once I receive all my new stuff, I'll need to tone down the spending. For at least until my birthday anyway!  My next kit will probably be a big foam plane or a big heli :)

Everything has shipped, but tracking hasn't updated yet, so I don't know which package will arrive first. 

Broke the P51 :(

I stopped by Hoyt on my way to the track to get some flights on the P51, as I wanted to try some loops and rolls now that I was used to flying it. I was able to do both!  I lost orientation a little bit though as I rolled in the middle of a loop by accident, and crashed. This crash happened to break the motor mount in the foam in the nose of the plane :(

With no hot glue or foam safe ca to repair the mount, I called it a day. At least I can loop and roll this thing :)

Top of the plane removed so that I can repair the motor mount. 

Friday, March 25, 2016

Crashed 250! Again!

Well I crashed the 250 on its 1st flight after rebuilding it after the last time I crashed it.  It turns out the gyro was compensating the wrong way?!?  I'm not even sure how it changed. 

The spindle shaft screw broke again and a dfc link. Luckily I didn't have my new blades on, as I was able to repair my old ones.  

Hopefully I can repair it quickly and try again. This time with plastic blades. Lol. 

Update 3/29/16
I looked over the heli and so far the damaged parts are:
Feathering shaft
Lost a head damper
Both DFC ball links
Cyclic servo horn
Bent landing skid tube

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

P51 Micro Mustang! Monday 3/21/16

I got my cool micro P51!  I thought it would be harder to fly than the Cub, but it wasn't.  It was faster though!  But still very controllable. :). I want a jet (electric ducted fan) now!  Lol!

Hoyt Park, Sunday 3/20/16

Guys flying while facing the sun?!  They had a 700 heli, some quads, but flew mostly planes. 

I met John who knows Ming. He flew all helis and can fly upside down some.  I need to practice my inverted hovering. 

I flew from about 10am until 2pm. I flew the Cub (which I manage to crash into a tree and get stuck!), the 130x, and the 380 :)

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Hoyt Park Sessions, opening week of Daylight Savings 2016

I've been flying every day after work so far this week at Hoyt park. I've been having the most fun flying my new plane and managed to crash it yesterday!  I tried to do a roll, but my rates were too low and it rolled over really slow and crashed!  I also forgot to hit the rescue button! Doh!

I also brought out the 380 to test hover. I haven't flown this at all since I crashed it last fall and rebuilt it over the winter. I only hovered and flew some slow figure 8's. There was some kind of humming noise going on, which I think caused the hollow boom resonating. I checked over the heli and didn't find anything odd. 

I retightened the screws for the tail case and plan to test it again tonight. Oh and I tried the rescue!  It seemed to work as the heli jumped up when I pushed it.  I'm still to chicken to see it it will level the disk though. Lol!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

2nd Hoyt Park Session, Monday 3/14/16

No photos oh well.

I met up with Marky and Ming to fly at Hoyt after work, now that the sun sets at 7pm. I flew my plane and 130x. The plane was fun to fly, but the wind was too much for it and all I could do was hover in place into the wind, then turn away from the wind and then make my way back up wind. lol. It was fun, but I'd like to fly some patterns and test the rescue function. 

The 130x had some issues with my batts dying though. About 1 min into the flight I'd lose power and need to auto down into the weeds. I need to do some other tests on these packs. 

I also forgot to how to do a tail in banked turn to the right! Wtf?  I've been practicing nose in left turns so much I can't do the tail in turns!  I will need to fly tail in and nose in figure 8's until I can do it automatically. 

Later in the week I want to get some flights in on the 450 and 380 :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Indoor flight session

I went to SDRC last night to help a buddy with his car setup, so I brought the Night Vapor with me to try and fly around. I was able to fly an oval over the pit and track area, above all the water lines for misting the  track. Once I got the hang of flying it again (I haven't flown it in about 2 years), it was relaxing and fun!

I'm looking forward to getting my new foam plane for flying outdoors. 

Monday, March 7, 2016

A plane?!?

While I've been learning to fly helicopters, I've been recently wanting to also start flying planes!  (I may need to update the name of my blog!)

I have a Night Vapor which I've flown indoors a few times.  But I haven't made it out to the indoor flying events in over 2 years. The Night Vapor is too light to fly outdoors, as it can't handle any wind at all. 

So I decided to pick up an ultra micro foam plane to fly outdoors!  It runs on a 1s 150 mah battery and uses a brushed motor.  This is the same battery that my mSR and Nano Cpx helis use.  It has a 24in wingspan and came with an FPV camera, which I plan to try later after I get used to flying it. 

1st 2016 session, Hoyt Park, Saturday 3/5/16

I stopped by Hoyt park to sneak in a few practice flights on my 130x before heading to the track. I've been practicing my nose in turns for a couple of weeks and really wanted to do it for real!

The recent rain has caused the field to grow some flowers, bushes, and tall grass. Hopefully this cushions any crashes?  But there are still rocks below all the new growth. 

I flew 4 packs practicing my nose in turns by flying a ccw oval across the field. I messed up the exit from the nose in turn a few times, but saved it and didn't crash. By my 4th flight I was getting the hang of it and flying the turn lower and lower!

The time changes back to daylight savings next weekend and I'm looking forward to flying again after work!