Thursday, March 17, 2016

Hoyt Park Sessions, opening week of Daylight Savings 2016

I've been flying every day after work so far this week at Hoyt park. I've been having the most fun flying my new plane and managed to crash it yesterday!  I tried to do a roll, but my rates were too low and it rolled over really slow and crashed!  I also forgot to hit the rescue button! Doh!

I also brought out the 380 to test hover. I haven't flown this at all since I crashed it last fall and rebuilt it over the winter. I only hovered and flew some slow figure 8's. There was some kind of humming noise going on, which I think caused the hollow boom resonating. I checked over the heli and didn't find anything odd. 

I retightened the screws for the tail case and plan to test it again tonight. Oh and I tried the rescue!  It seemed to work as the heli jumped up when I pushed it.  I'm still to chicken to see it it will level the disk though. Lol!

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