Monday, December 2, 2019

V22 Osprey Maiden

It was time for the maiden flight of my new V22 Osprey VTOL airplane!  I received it Friday morning and spent the afternoon setting it up and applying decals to it after lunch.  Since I bought the PNP version I also need to install a serial receiver into it.

For the maiden flight I just hovered around making sure all the controls responded correctly and that self-leveling was active.  All went as planned!

For the next flight I would transition to airplane mode for the 1st time.  I've heard that if the motor nacelles are not parallel, the plane will turn during the transition.  But, I checked the alignment on my plane several times, and all looked good!  I forgot to center the sticks during the automatic transition though, and still had the elevator forward from flying as a multi-rotor.  When the transition completed the plane dove for the ground!  Luckily I was up high enough to save it from crashing into the ground on the 2nd flight!

The last 2 flights went smoothly, now that I centered the right stick before transitioning to airplane mode.  I only flew around in self-level mode, and the Osprey flew great!  I was flying around pretty fast, for this size of plane anyway.  I was having a great time! 

Side view of the decals I've applied so far.

Three-quarter view.

Now that I've gotten the maiden flight session out of the way and confirmed the plane is working correctly, I went ahead and removed the stock JST connector and replaced it with a Mini-T style connector, which is what I have on my 3S 800mah size batteries.

Replacing the stock JST connector with a Mini-T style connector.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Black Friday Deals!

I picked up the E-Flite V-22 Osprey VTOL PNP for $100!  The normal price is $210!  That's a savings of $110 or 53% off!

I've wanted one since it came out, but I've been waiting for the price to be right, and now it is!  I had to add a serial receiver for $25, which is still cheaper than the BNF version for $229.  I still save $104 over that version.  What a deal!  It also uses the same 3S 800mah batteries as my Trex 250 and Blade 230S.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Went out flying Sunday

My flying buddy called me out to get some flights in Sunday morning.  I charged up my Goblin 380 packs and headed out to the Hoyt field.  I had fun flying around, but I really need to fly more often so I don't need so many warm-up flights! LOL!  Oh.  I also need to reconfigure my Blade 230 back to daytime flying, as it currently has night blades on it.  With these on, there's noticeably less power available for maneuvering.  Once I switch it back over I can use it for daytime practice again.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

700 Stretch Kit!

I went ahead and ordered the 700 stretch kit for my Goblin 650 heli.  This kit will allow the use of 690-710 mm main blades, converting my 650 into a true 700 size heli!  This was my plan from the start for this heli, as I chose the motor, ESC, and batteries for 700 class main blades.

I've been watching the product page for the kit for awhile now, but last night it went from "In Stock" to "Low Stock"!  I figured I should order it now before it's out of stock.  I don't plan to install it right away, as I still need the main and tail blades.  Besides, I just got this heli flying about 2 months ago and don't feel like taking it apart again.  LOL!

Friday, November 1, 2019

HRB 5000 mah 6S 50C Batteries

I decided to pick up a 2nd pair of HRB 5000 mah 6S 50C batteries for my Goblin 650 heli.  I got these from Amazon with free same day Prime Shipping!  I can get a pair of these packs for the same price as 1 of my Pulse 5000 mah 6S 45C packs!  The HRB packs shouldn't be charged at more than a 1C rate, while the Pulse packs can handle a maximum charge rate of 5C.  This is no problem since the only time I plan to charge at max rate would be at the field anyway.

Since I was happy with the 1st pair I bought, I decided to get a 2nd pair, so I'd have 3 flight packs for the Goblin 650, without have to recharge batteries.  I would like a 2nd pair of Pulse packs, but they are so expensive, I'll wait for a good sale.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Weedwackers Aero Squadron Field Visit

The other weekend I visited the Weedwackers Areo Squadron field in Lakeside CA.  This field is about a 30 minute drive from my house, which is a little further than the Sea World field.

The flight line is a lot shorter than at Sea World, but at least there's a paved runway!  However, ground below the flight area has a road and rings of fences.  If you crash out there it will be a pain to get the model back.  Also, there really isn't a dedicated heli pad and flight area.  You would need to fly from the main runway.

However, this club isn't as busy as Sea World in the morning, so 1 pilot can fly at a time comfortably.  The pit area is also shaded, which Sea World could really use.

I'm not sure if I should join this club for next year though.  I really like the paved runway and shaded pit area, but I'm skeptical about the flight area and all the fences and road.  These make it difficult to retrieve your model if you crash.

Flight line


I found the above pics on Facebook from a public post about the field, since while I was there I forgot to take some pics.  Doh!

I have another field to check out before next year, Chollas RC Flyers, near Lemon Grove.  This field also has a paved runway and shaded pit area, but also has a helipad and dedicated flight area!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

New AS3X Telemetry Receiver!

Next month Spektrum is releasing a new AS3X gyro telemetry receiver with SAFE!  SAFE is Spektrum's version of self-leveling, which turns the aircraft right side up and levels it when switched on.  It also provides bank angle limiting, which makes it easier for beginners to learn how to fly.

To my knowledge, this is the first Spektrum receiver to be sold with SAFE!  The only way to previously get this feature was to buy a BNF aircraft with a SAFE enabled gyro receiver.  I plan to replace the AS3X gyro receiver currently in my P51 mustang with this one to enable SAFE and telemetry!

Since this receiver has a built in XBUS telemetry port, I can add a current sensor!  This sensor can measure the remaining capacity of the battery and provide a warning when it's time to land!  No more timers!  This is a more accurate way to know when to land, since depending on how I fly, I can stay up between 5-7 minutes based on how much full throttle I use during the flight.  With a current sensor I can always land with a set capacity remaining in the battery.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Went plane flying at the field again!

After doing some laundry in the morning while charging my batteries, I headed out to the field for some afternoon flying around 2:30 pm, arriving right at 3 pm.  There were some other people there this time, but they weren't flying.  They were all looking at some other member's plane?

I brought out the P51 and Habu micro jet.  I wanted to try using the flaps to take off and land on the P51 and just fly the Habu around some.  Well I had way too much elevator mixed in with the flaps and as soon as the tail lifted off, the plane nosed over and the prop hit the ground!  I lowered the elevator mix and tried again a few more times, but still found it way easier to land without using flaps?  For the rest of the session I didn't use the flaps, as with the wind it was really difficult to hold a steady descent.  Maybe I'll try it again next time, but after the wind dies down?

I also need to add some down elevator trim on both the P51 and Habu.  Flying into the wind I need to hold down elevator on both to just maintain a level flight path.  Also, the controls are way to sensitive on the Habu out of beginner mode.  I need to adjust the expo and use low rates to make it easier to fly.

Oh ya! I finally did a barrel roll in real life with the P51!  I’ve been doing them in the sim forever, but was always chicken to try it for real since its usually windy when I fly in the afternoon.  I got some extra altitude and rolled all the way around! 😎I think I did it like 4 times?  One time I lost orientation after exiting the roll and heading back into the wind.  Then the plane did something I wasn’t expecting and dove towards the ground!  I think I might have rolled too far and went inverted when I was thinking it should be upright!  Luckily I kept rolling and pulling up until the plane went back up into the air then I got it back under control  Whew!

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

New Planes to Purchase!

After flying my P51 Sunday I've gotten the bug to get new planes! LOL!  I wanted another prop driven plane with tricycle landing gear for awhile and was considering the Trojan, but it didn't have a self-leveling gyro.  But, the P39 Airacobra was released recently and has these features!  It also uses the same batteries as my P51.

I'd also like a jet (EDF) plane!  I have the UMX Habu, but I'd like a standard size one also!  The Viper has flaps, retracts, and runs on a 3300 mah 6S battery with an EC5 connector.  With spring wire landing gear I should be able to land it on the rough dirt runway at my field.  It also has a top speed near 100 mph!

I'll probably end up getting the Viper next, since I already have a prop driven plane.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Flying at SEFSD! (to use my membership here)

I finally headed to the field this past Sunday to get some flights in on my neglected P51 Mustang!  I've been wanting to go out for the last month, but something always seemed to get in the way.

The winds were blowing about 6 mph with gusts up to 10 mph, which is typical at the Sea World field in the afternoon.  I arrived to an empty field and a locked gate about 4 pm.  I used my key to let myself in and locked the gate behind me to prevent any non-members from entering the field.  I was able to get 3 flights in on the P51 and 1 on my Convergence (which I bought last year during all the Black Friday deals).

I was able to fly the P51 for about 5 min then land with about 45% capacity left.  I guess I can increase my flight time to 6 min and still land with more than 15-20% capacity left, since I was able to land in 1-2 attempts.  I was also able to land without tipping over and breaking my prop! :)

The Convergence was fun to fly also!  I was really able to get her moving fast since there is so much more space at the field!  When it was time to land I switched over to heli mode and she ballooned skyward!  I think it was up around 50-60 ft when I was in a stable hover.  I had to be careful when lowering the throttle to get down, since if I lowered it too far the plane would drop like a rock to the ground.  I flew a few circuits while slowly descending and came in for a soft landing.  Whew!

My P51 and new IX12 touchscreen radio!

My VTOL Convergence plane.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Goblin 650 Maiden!

Wow! I haven't posted here in 2 years!?

I finally finished building my Goblin 650 and flew it’s maiden flight last Sunday September 15, 2019.   The same day as when I flew the maiden flight of my Trex 550 in 2012!