Wednesday, October 9, 2019

New Planes to Purchase!

After flying my P51 Sunday I've gotten the bug to get new planes! LOL!  I wanted another prop driven plane with tricycle landing gear for awhile and was considering the Trojan, but it didn't have a self-leveling gyro.  But, the P39 Airacobra was released recently and has these features!  It also uses the same batteries as my P51.

I'd also like a jet (EDF) plane!  I have the UMX Habu, but I'd like a standard size one also!  The Viper has flaps, retracts, and runs on a 3300 mah 6S battery with an EC5 connector.  With spring wire landing gear I should be able to land it on the rough dirt runway at my field.  It also has a top speed near 100 mph!

I'll probably end up getting the Viper next, since I already have a prop driven plane.

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