Monday, October 19, 2015

Hoyt park session, not!

I tried to get a few flights in at Hoyt Saturday morning 10/17/15, on my way to the track, but it looked like someone was there cleaning trash from the field?  So I decided to head straight to SDRC instead and fly in the parking lot there, before the track opened. 

The 250 flew well and I was able to fly smooth figure 8's, which I was having trouble doing at Hoyt. The headspeed still felt slow though, as it was less than a rocket doing full pitch climb outs. 

I decided to turn off my governor and use a flat 100% throttle curve instead. While doing this will achieve higher headspeed, the headspeed will decrease during the flight and may bog more often.  I'll need to gear up to get the headspeed I want with the governor. The only problem is figuring out how to get the glued on pinion gear off. 

At 100% throttle, the 250 felt much better!  Nice pop on full pitch climbs but with a slight bog. It was also a rocket for about the 1 minute of the flight, until the battery voltage leveled off. I'll need to take some headspeed measurements to find out what the headspeed actually is. 

The 250 at SDRC. 

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