I headed out to the field to finally fly some planes! I wanted to get some flights in on my tiny Habu EDF, the UMX Timber I picked up for Black Friday, and my 1.2m P51 Mustang.
Last plane to fly was my 1.2m P51 Mustang. I only flew it 3 times though, as I was getting tired and hungry. I knew I should have brought a sandwich! I was able to land it without incident, although my approaches were all over the place and I had to go around and abort landing 4-5 times. I need more practice! I was able to do a few barrel rolls, but I didn't try any loops. Feels like I don't have enough power? I think I'd need to dive into the loop entry to have enough speed to go all the way around. I'm also afraid I'd roll or yaw in the loop and come out in the wrong direction. I seem to do loops fine in the sim though.
Next time out I'm packing some lunch and taking the P51 and 1 heli. This time I charged way too many batteries and didn't fly half of them! LOL! Maybe I'll have a new plane to fly also? Not sure what I want just yet though. Big EDF? 4S warplane? 6S P51 with telemetry?
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