Tuesday, March 2, 2021

SEFSD Session #3 for February!

 I planned to fly at SEFSD at least once a month to make the membership fee I paid for AMA, FAA, and SEFSD worthwhile for the year and I'm already 2 session ahead!

I brought out the Goblin 650 and 380, and the Convergenge to fly for the day.  I was able to fly both Goblins well!  I practiced stall turns, loop, and nose-in inverted hovering!  I also tried a tail slide with the 380, but when I came out going backwards pretty fast, the tail started wagging hard!  I spun around and did a turn to slow down and let the tail settle down.  I turned down the gain 5 points in all flight banks, with the highest gain in the bank with the slowest head-speed.

The 650 felt great flying!  So well that I hovered nose-in inverted a lot!  I even executed some rescues from inverted to practice hitting the switch and recovering.  I enjoyed flying it so much I picked up another set of batteries for it!

I then fly the Convergence in the early afternoon.  It was ok to fly.  I need to try flying with SAFE mode off! LOL!  It took me awhile to figure out the best time to transition to heli mode for landing.  The first few times I did it too far away and I struggled getting back to the runway to land!  I figured out I need to transition almost right in front of myself while flying into the wind.  Then I would be able to land smoothly.

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