Friday, April 29, 2016

Blade 230s and Trex 250 repairs completed!

I managed to finish repairs to both my 230s and 250, which I crashed a couple of weeks ago within days of each other.  The 230 was simple to fix. I glued the cracked frame back together, replaced the broken main gear, and installed a new set of landing gear. I checked both the main and spindle shafts; both were not bent :).  There's no way to set the blade pitch as the links are a fixed length. You can only level the swash and set the max and min pitch, which shouldn't have changed as the swash links were not damaged. Repair and setup done!

The 250 on the other hand required much more work. Both dfc links were broken, a dfc rod was bent, and a blade grip arm bent. The spindle shaft didn't break this time, but was bent. I also had to replace a bearing block that I broke while trying to get the main shaft out of the locked up one way bearing. However, all the parts have been replaced with new ones, but I still need to repeat the head and tail setup. 

Next time I fly the 250, I'm only doing 1 test flight, then grounding it for at least a month!  This way I won't crash it for at least a month. Lol!

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