Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Crashed the 230s :(

Well I crashed the 230s!  I dumb thumbed it backwards into the ground practicing nose in hovering.  It happened so fast I didn't even think of hitting the rescue button!  I just turned off the motor as the heli impacted the ground.

Damaged parts for far:
Main frame
Landing gear
Stripped main gear
Tail fin
Cracked my new fiberglass canopy :(

I've already super glued the main frame and tail fin back together.  I managed to tape up the cracks in the canopy.  I've already ordered some new landing gear and a main gear.  I also picked up some spare main and spindle shafts just in case those were bent in the crash.

Oh well.  I've been having a lot of fun flying this heli, and rescue has saved it a bunch of times already while practicing inverted hovering.

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