Wednesday, September 9, 2015

380 Session #2

Well I headed out to Hoyt Park after in hopes of getting rid of the bobble in the main rotor. I tried turning up the headspeed to 3100 rpm but that didn't seem to do anything. Next I used the Neo flight banks to test higher and lower main rotor gains. I set up bank 1 with a gain of 50, bank 2 with 70, and bank 3 with 90. Bank 3 seemed to eliminate the wobble!  I need to try it again to confirm though.

I tried flying around and the tail yaw rate and collective responsiveness seemed weird. I think it was because I was using the sport/beginner mode. I'll need to change that to 3D mode and see if the response feels better. 

I also got my first "crash" out of the way. I was trying to land and either the collective was super touchy or I lost power somehow, and it dropped from about a foot off the ground into the dirt next to the heli platform!  Luckily the only damage was a scrapped tip on the tail blades. 

Also, trying to tune by landing and hooking up to my laptop is a pain. Makes me want to switch to a Vcontrol radio. Hmmm. 

The plan for the next session is:
-change the pitch curve for Normal to a flatter curve for landing. 
-confirm 90 main rotor gain eliminated the wobble.
-perform an auto trim flight
-try 3D agility mode and see if the response is better
-tune tail gain

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