Monday, September 21, 2015

Palomar RC Flyers Club

I decided to visit the Palomar RC Flyers club Sunday morning as I'm considering joining the club for the last 3 months of the year. 

There were about 5 or so guys there, mostly flying 700 class helis!  No dozens of quad guys here, although a couple of guys were flying those also. 

They had pit tables and more importantly, shade!  No need to bring a canopy here!  There were 2 roads to get to the heli area. A shorter one which required you to go up and down a pretty steep hill and a longer one. I took the shortcut in and the long one out. The long one was much safer route for my car!

I watched 3 700 class helis fly, 2 electrics and a nitro. I got a few pics of the nitro one flying also!  These guys were also much better pilots than me. 

It's $50 to join for the last 3 months of the year. To get the most of my money I'd need to fly practically every weekend!

Parking and pit area. 

Main flight area. 

Shaded pit tables!

700 class helis!

700 nitro flying 

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