Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Goblin 380 maiden flight!

I flew the maiden flight of my Goblin 380, Labor Day, 9/7/15, in the late afternoon. 

It was uneventful, but it did have a head bobble, while in a hover. I hope it was because I was running a low headspeed for it, about 2600 rpm, per the manuals suggestion, for the first few flights, to break in the drive belts. 

The other issue I found was that the motor belt had moved up the main pulley to rub on the frame as it was going by. This resulted in some rubber bits inside the canopy and heli.  Unfortunately I didn't have any tools with me to adjust it, so that ended my flights on the 380 until the next session. 

I repositioned the motor belt such that there's more clearance to the frame and I'll bring some tools with me to adjust it at the field. 

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